
Promote your brand, product or service to an audience that is deeply invested in the WordPress project, ecosystem, and community. The Repository’s highly engaged readership comprises business owners, professionals, contributors, developers, influencers, consultants, marketers, and users—all smart people like you.


Open/click rate46%/13%
Where subscribers workAutomattic, GiveWP, Rocket Genius, Elementor, Nexcess, XWP, Freemius, Newfold Digital, WP Engine, StellarWP, Weglot, GoDaddy, Awesome Motive, Pagely, Kinsta, Human Made
Newsletter frequency:Once a week, 12pm Friday UTC
Ads per issue:1x Main Sponsor, 4x Classified Ads

Options & pricing

Main Sponsor

– 1 Main Sponsor per issue
– Large, prominent banner
– Traditional ad with image, text and links

$460 USD

Classified Ad

– 4x Classified Ads per issue
– Bottom section placement
– Text only, 180 characters
– One link per classified ad

$110 USD

Main Sponsor

Each issue of The Repository features one Main Sponsor, which includes one large banner ad placed at the very top of the newsletter along with a traditional ad below the main news section.

Banner ad:

Traditional ad:

The Main Sponsor slot can be booked weekly or in multiples over several weeks and months. Get in touch with Rae if you would like to discuss options.

Classified Ads

Each issue of The Repository contains four short, text-based Classified Ads in the bottom section of the newsletter. Classifieds are limited to 180 characters of plain text and one link.

Classified Ads can be booked as standalone ads or in multiples over several weeks.

Past sponsors

Make a booking

Click on the button below to view our ad calendar, then click on any available slot to book your ad.

You will receive a confirmation email and tax receipt after your booking. Please reply to that email with any questions, or email Rae directly.

Join the waitlist

Our sponsorship slots usually sell out quickly. If you would like to be notified when a slot becomes available, add your email address below (you won’t be added to any other email lists).